5 Nov 2012


In the movie Ashes of Time (東邪西毒), Maggie Cheung (Ouyang Feng's sister-in-law) was in love with Leslie Cheung (Ouyang Feng). But because Ouyang Feng did not treasure the love from her, refusing the express his affection, she turned to marry his brother, breaking her heart, and his heart.

This was the prologue of the movie with created a series of tragedies. No one was happy, except Jackie Cheung (Hong Qigong) who forwent everything.

That was the origin of all the sorrowful stories in our lives. People were never pleased of what they already had. When one day, they realized they had lost something, they regretted so much. We then realized that the missing part was indeed the core part. Missing the core, an apple will not grow. A building cannot erect. A man cannot stand.

We used to be happy. We used to love each other. But when God decided to divide us into two parts. We became a pair of sad animals in these mere world. You might say, some will eventually find their another halves. But in reality, we more often would find an incompatible, pretending they are fit. That was needed, but was not intended.

No, they were not intended. That's why someone (like me) would rather be forever alone than combining with a part was not fit.

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