30 Jun 2013


My old senior AL once wrote on his blog (which is called xanga) that he would love to record his life in housemanship in the very beginning, but when his year had finished, he said: he did not want to mention it again, for it was like hell.

Well. Let me remember this moment. I know it is hell and I have to survive. So sorry, I cannot guarantee that this site would be updated in time. I wonder if I have time to do that.

23 Jun 2013


Graduation dinner was held last night. Classmates were seen. Some photos were taken. But in the end we did not have a lot of talk during the feast.

It is quite natural nowadays. We have Whatsapp and Facebook. Who needs to talk? Therefore, most of the time people spent were taking photos. We were worried that we did not take a good photo then we might have a fruitless talk with each other.

My respected professors also noticed the problem. SN, a friendly colorectal surgeon started off asking me if I wanted to take photo first. Apparently he had been approached many times by asking taking a photo only, as though he was a movie star. Of course, I wanted to talk more than shoot a picture, which can by no means replace the content of a conversation. He was surprised, but at the same time, talked to me a lot about my future.

I was delighted that SC, my beloved oncologist recognized me instantly. I was more pleased when he was willing to share his own internship experience, and his view to the current attitude of interns. With his words, I can see the microscopic and the macroscopic aspect of our little world, as if I am given a talk on the molecular biology and the epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma. Though I will probably not become a oncologist, I found the doctors in this specialty very inspiring to me.

When I went back home and check the photos I had taken. I realized that some are of poor quality. Astonishing enough, I also found out some photos that had been taken were not existed. Blame it to the fate, I still enjoyed a good time with my friends. That's more important, isn't it.

20 Jun 2013










19 Jun 2013




現在,我的想法已經有所轉變,首先我愛的音樂一向走偏風,什麼Radiohead,什麼Muse,現在都不是英美的主流(現在是Justin Bieber的世界),只有一班狂迷痴情於他們,好像是非他們的音樂就不是音樂。這想法,當然大錯特錯;二來,我現在更加喜歡古典和電影配樂,難道我可以叫五個人玩這類型的音樂嗎?難道我可以叫其餘四個人接受造些音樂嗎?更別說台下我們的同事。


未來的日子,打鼓的機會只會愈來愈少,除非日後同事仍想表演,否則我家中的鼓棍實在是裝修的可再造之才;鼓藝本身都沒有多少,就當做還給教十年前教我打鼓的Ms. JoJo Ho 吧(好像她已經結婚生仔了,那麼我就送給她的兒子)。


14 Jun 2013





當然他所放的一切,都早有預謀:為何有布局?為何有這一種布局?他明明知道只有我這種人才會被吸引。對,他就要誘惑,我現在身處他設下的棋局,看似無路可逃,就像Chistopher Nolan 的 Prestige 一樣,兩個魔術師為得到對方的秘密,將自己的日記變為布局,只叫對方掉進陷阱。



12 Jun 2013


I got an ankle sprain at the time of critical importance again.

It is the right ankle again. I remembered the first time to have such as severe ankle sprain was my graduation camping of the primary school. I was skating and I hurt my ankle so badly that I had to leave the camp site (with the escort by the dearest friend KY, now a police officer). Tears were in my eyes. My classmates except KY would not be able to see it, because they all had fun in the camp. I was the only one who got hurt and pain.

That time I have known what pain really is.

This time, I had a football game with my classmates in the medical school. I tried to shoot from a return pass at the edge of the penalty box, but it turned out I had an unaccustomed position that I had an eversion injury. Completing the shooting posture, I still could manage to play. But later on, I found the pain not endurable and I had myself substituted.

Now what troubled me the most is not that I could not play football (indeed I realize I will have no chance to have football game before internship, not to mention during internship) for a long time, I could not step on the ground with my right foot easily, thanks to the pain. Therefore, I could hardly play drums with my usual right-hand setting.

One solution is I will try my less-proficient left-hand setting. I tried for some time about that sort of arrangement and it probably can work.

This time is not that painful now, strangely. The possible explanation is that, I actually not really care about the band performance. Band music to me is gone. I enjoy silence more than guitar and drum. However the performance this time, I have nothing to prove. If tomorrow I should find out my ankle's condition is so bad, I will even withdraw myself from the rehearsal. My bandmates can handle the condition without me, I am sure.

In other words, I don't feel the same pain I did this time. After all, I have become more philosophical and tried not to put others' happiness into my burden, or suffering.


Morocco, as a country located around the Mediterranean sea, is famous of Cheese.

We have had uncountable opportunities to have a taste of this very food, which was not very commonly served in Hong Kong. Well, we know why it is so: the humid weather can change every unprocessed food in a day or two into the dim sum of gems. For the sake of health, we let go this germ which is recently studied by NEJM to become protective to our cardiovascular system.

Anyhow, every morning, when the sun has come up (or we have woke up at the clock of 11 am), we prepared ourselves with bread and cheese. It is of course wonderful to found the tasteless bread to become a pleasing dish after the cheese is prepared.

As a local tradition, Moroccan will also supplement the bread with many others ingredients on the bread like jams to increase the sweetness. Heard from my father, Addition of sugar is a way to sustain in an adverse environment.

VM is particularly in love with cheese and this drove him to buy a box of cheese to get back to Hong Kong. He has a high hope that the cheese can still be itself when it is emigrated to Hong Kong. I did not have the same hope.

What I do is simpler: taste the cheese while I can.

6 Jun 2013


The most fearful event before the internship finally came. Surprisingly, it was very smooth and it took me no more than two steps to complete the rotation choices by swapping with the others.

This is another time of moment that I felt the God of fate was working behind all of us. Either by the choices made previously or the changes with the people you know or you don't know, every step was like a butterfly moving its wing, which eventually made a tremendous hurricane.

While I felt happy for my friends who have got the desired combination, I felt the people who did not have  favorable rotations. What I could do to you is likely to be minimal, but I can just quote what SF told me once before: If you are meant to be a good doctor, you will be good whatever post you are in.

Please just hold on.


One interesting fact about the swapping system is that, as usual in every year, you will encounter people you have never talked to during the swapping interval, possessing different interests. At that time, you will realize how fun it is to meet people whom you have never known can help you a great deal, even more than the people around you.

It is like exchanging train tickets (or octopuses) in the interchange station. People having opposite destinations will help each other for their own benefits. See, the world is after all not always a zero-sum game. If we can help each other even for the most selfish targets, we actually are doing something good to overall.

So may I use the space here to thank NL and DC for their sincere exchange. And I hope you two can get a good combination in the end (and of course, become the good doctors you want to be these 5 years).

2 Jun 2013


As usual, I brought books for travelling. So for this time, when I went to Morocco, I brought myself with some leisure readings too, but this time there is a subtle difference.

Kindle paperwhite was with me this time. I have had the time to finish The Three Kingdoms (三國演義) and some part of the Sherlock Holmes.

As for Three Kingdoms, this was perhaps my third time to read it up. Every time I do it, new ideas and images came up to my mind to an extent that it invaded into my dream as if I lived in that time of moment, fighting with the Generals. Blame it to the video games, the appearances of the people in the novels are quite fixed in my mind, but their characters are lively in the novel that I feel like we can talk when I read the book. What a fascinating experience it has been, especially when I finish all the examinations so far, free of pressure.

The reading began when I was preparing for the examination. Every night before I slept, I would lie down and turn on the Kindle and read the book. When I finished it, I just realized that 100 years of time has gone through in my head. 臨江仙, which is the first poet in the book, comes to my head.


We are just the ashes of time.