3 Oct 2018


This is the prediction of what I will see in the Mount Kinabalu.


The first time I saw the galaxy was in Yosemite national park this year, one of the highlight of the trip (which in the end turned very sour because I was actually being used like solid snake)

This was good but I expect something greater later in Malaysia.

How small the planet Earth is.
How trivial human being is.

27 Sept 2018



20 Sept 2018


東邪西毒入面 因為張國榮冇同張曼玉講愛佢




19 Sept 2018

I am a sentimental person and my emotions are just like water.

17 Sept 2018


WITH a strong impulse I got the game-changing sony A9.

I have been taking still pictures for quite some time. Most are landscapes, nature and still objects. They are beautiful in my eyes.

Until I read a book from Christopher Doyle, who said he never did that because only a shot of human can give the emotion.

Actually, I did it and I felt the same. Using an A9 will not guarantee that I will shoot beautiful pictures, but it will help me achieve the goal.

Just that I probably waste a bit of my vintage lens collection. They should be fine with my A7Rii.

Let's see how it goes.

16 Sept 2018


The strongest typhoon came today and it again showed the bad side of the city.

A bunch of psychopath would get outside and get the punches from the wind to test its power.
The buildings are not as stable as you think, so are the transportation. If today had been a ordinary weekday, the city would have been paralysed and the people panicked.

But people today stayed at their home and clicked "we are safe" in Facebook. They certainly need more educations.

Before the typhoon, the small shops escalated the price of tape and got a handsome profit. But if the window cannot stand the wind, the tape cannot too. So what concepts do the shops sell to the ordinary people?

Safety? Peace of mind?

Should we ask the people to pay more when the problem arrives?

I am clueless. But in the country which I adore so much when the calamity came, the shops discounted the food and even gave the food for the needed.

That is the difference.

15 Sept 2018


As there are tons of ideas that flow to my head when I am almost isolated. Let me talk about some incredibly boring topics concerning about my life in photography. I hope that, after you read this you can have some ideas as for how good (or bad) my concepts are, and how hopeless traditional photographers will be in the face of the modern technology. Put it simply, the enemy of the traditional photography is, of course, mobile phone.

Let us talk about the exposure. I got recently some people asked me how on earth the people can take those mind-blowing astrophotographic images. Gears are of course important but the other key factor that is often overlooked is the post-possessing. Hong Kong people have a tendency to explore the "truth-ness" in photos (which is surprising because they don't usually do that in most aspects). We, of course, want a photo to show the authenticity of the objects but in low-light environment we need skills.

Close illuminated objects depend on lights to be shown in the photos and the background starry night needed a long time to be captured. Also, you will need the mid-ground to set the background for the foreground, which also needs another exposure. Based on this, you already need 3 sets of images stacking together to gives a quality picture. That's why it will be difficult for a lazy person to take an amazing picture in the low-light environment. Investments in the post-possessing are, if not the most, important to give the best.

Until the smartphone comes into play. Now that the new iPhone is out, which enable users to adjust almost everything after they click the round white button. The camera will automatically take multiple pictures with different exposure to make sure you don't miss a thing. A lazy person can do a great thing now.

All they miss will be the hard work after a photo taken. Not so long we will not need any "traditional photography". 

Soon, however, we will miss something in photography.