14 Feb 2016


Knowing that my knee was still loose, and failing the forthcoming exam seems inevitable, I could not see the light from the end of the tunnel. Life is gloomy these days.

I switched off the light of the corridor leading to the quarter. It was nothing but like the time I had with Brian during hiking. That rainy night that both of us had to get the water from the supply, and the rain kept falling down in the dark. That was one of the greatest challenge in my life.

And we survived.

There is nothing unbeatable, if we really try.

11 Feb 2016

What do you want to do

It is the right time to think what to do this year, if we count the calendar starting from these days.

This is the discussion during the dinner with two of my best friends, after a nice football game.

"I would like to learn something new and I might consider changing my occupation." I have not heard of learning for quite something. The context of which is purely for the sake of knowledge and skills, and not for any promotion or money. 

"What do you want to do? 

The first thing comes to my mind is of course passing the exam. I have been recently buried by the examination book. To say the least I am more hardworking than the time I had in HKCEE (may be not, there are a lot of things to do apart from study now).

But is this the thing I want to do?

I dont have a clue.

Once upon a time, someone asked me after meal, what I wanted to do. And I out of instinct told her as followed:

"I just wanna to walk with you."

6 Feb 2016


I am sure you have seen the photo of Albert Einstein riding a bicycle. It is always inspirational and you will feel like you have learnt something eternal from it.

The first thing you learn about is that he was enjoying the cycling, wth his smiling face.

I also recognised a similar face when I walked back home one day, when a cycling old-man moving towards me. He looked really happy.

Did he invent or realise some new physical law like Albert did? Probably not. But he was really enjoy what he was doing. That was the reason he was happy.

I wish I could have the face of him.