21 Sept 2011


When I felt the terminology unbearable tonight, I decided to take a short break, going down to the common room to enjoy a can of coke and read some "newspaper", if it deserved its name in the night.

Coincidentally I met MT, who was exhausted with Anesthesia.

Both of us were not so enjoying what we were attaching. This was concluded at the first second.

"Anaes is not a good job. Every time they need to get orders from the surgeons." MT diagnosed. "Despite having seas of knowledge, they need to do what the surgeons want. Only women were able to endure it, perhaps." Not necessary. There were many successful Anesthesiologists who are men. "They need to get jobs from the surgeons. So surgeons were as though their bosses." I commented.

And then, I told him about my disappointing attachment in the labour ward. "I felt I was so bad when I could not set the stage for the midwives. I was incapable to set up the things requested by them. Also, I felt that my knowledge was fading after the attachment." I was as if a demented patient with an excellent insight.

"Don't worry." MT said. "You won't use the CTG ever." He was mentioning the Cardiotocogram. "It was the jobs of the midwives. Ah? They said that fever is defined as 37.5 degree Celsius? Let it be. It was written in the protocol." And protocol is bible in labour ward. Midwives were the believers.

"Yes. So the terminology is not so interesting. It is full of protocol!" I complained to my senior.

Then, what is the value of doctors if we only know the protocol?

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