12 Aug 2012


Talking about the Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, we could never miss Christian Bale. How much do you know about him?

Despite having a American ascent and playing a role of American superhero, he is in fact a man from Wales. But it does not matter, Americans do not mind who will become Batman, as the film stressed, everyone can become Batman. The director Christopher Nolan is also a British, by the way.

Bale did want to play Batman in the series, but he said he will want no more. Therefore, as we can see, The Dark Knight Rises will be the last film that features Bale as the Batman.

Concerning about the the possible appearance of Robin, Bale did voice out that if the helper of Batman should appear in The Dark Knight Rises, he will not play Batman in the film. More interestingly, Robin is the favorite character of Bale, and he did once nearly act as Robin in the Tim Burton's Batman series!

Looking heroic in the film, Bale seems flawless. But again you will be amazed that before Batman series, Bale was famous of being a psychotic billionaire in the film American Psycho. This nearly banned movie featured the very insane, very heartless, and very hopeless Bale.

P.S. In The Dark Knight, Harvey Dent asked Alfred if Rachel did have any psychotic boyfriend in the past that he should be aware of.

Alfred replied "You never know."

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