9 Sept 2012


By definition, quality is not measurable in terms of quantity. That's why there are thousands of people who wore black t-shirts staying outside the headquarter of the government to oppose the implementation of the National Education, who would score students in terms of their emotion when they look into the Chinese national flag.

It is indeed the most worrying part. I do not care about what they will teach us during the course, provided that they teach the factual information which I am sure the teachers cannot tell lie. It is in fact what have been done in the previous years of Chinese History. The way that the people teach in the Chinese History are mainly based on the secondary fact. Most of the teachers in Hong Kong do not know how to inspire students to learn more from history and how to interpret the relations between the events. It does not matter, for some cynical reason, I don't think it is something we can change at this moment.

But it is indeed how to interpret the history is more important to develop the sense of interpretation. People should ask why it is so in our history so we are not going to make the same mistakes again. If people do not think, they will not know what to comment on the history. Without opinions on the history, it will be impossible for people to develop any sense of belonging or emotion, unless they are faking.

Therefore, either the national education is trying to teach the kids how to interpret the history, or they simply ask the children to fake to score marks.

The unfortunate fact is our Chinese History is most of the time bloody, and people make the same mistakes in different eras. To make more deductions, there is hardly a chance that students who received the educations to develop a sense of belonging, unless the teachers in fact brainwashing them.

By the way, the way to brainwash the kids are simple. They can simply calla deer a horse(指鹿為馬). Again, it is something we have seen in our long and bright Chinese History.

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