Just hope that I will not get any kidney problems in the future, and gouty attack as well.
Let's talk about another liquid that we drink commonly. It is alcohol. For your information, a study has shown that minimal amount of alcohol will decrease the chance of getting cardiovascular problems in postmenopausal women and mid-aged men. Sounds good. However, the problem is we could never know how much is minimal, especially when you feel good drinking.
And what it comes after you have binge drinking, is a big box of complications that troubles medical students (because we need to recite), physicians (because they have to take care of the alcoholics) and yourself (because you have to pay for it).
What is the most dangerous drinks in the world? It is called Dihydrogen monoxide. It can choke a person when it gets to the lung. Drinking too much will kill. Seriously, it killed the most in the world as a liquid. However, no one can live without it. It is water.
子貢問:師與商也孰賢? 子曰:師也過,商也不及。曰:然則師愈與?子曰:過猶不及。《論語·先進》
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