4 Apr 2012


Today I did not need my phone to wake me up from sleep even at 5:30am. The storm did the job for me.

The sky outside was so bright. Oh my goodness. It was having thunderstorm. When I walked out from the room, there were flooding and the wind blew so heavily that everything would be lifted up, let alone going to the hospital.

I questioned whether I should go to the school under this circumstance. I surfed the web and searched for instructions or guidelines from the Singapore observatory department. I was shocked that there was no "Black rain" issued, which should have been done in Hong Kong in the same situation.

Swiftly I asked for my buddy in the hospital, he texted me: well it would be fine if you missed the early lecture. Professor would understand the situation. Our morning round started at 8.

In this case I had no choice but change my suits and rushed to the hospital. The rain subsided but it was still quite heavy, so as the strong wind.

After the morning round, I discussed this situation with the doctors in the team. They was amused by the Hong Kong system: It would be a holiday! They smiled.

But then they told me it was never happen in Singapore.

I understood something that time: the leader here had a surname with 李 too.

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