There are, apart from restaurants that serve meals of different styles, pâtisseries that sell various of cakes.
It is a different situation compared with restaurants. In fact it has been infiltrated by chain stores, notably Tony Wong.
Indeed the famous TW has been quite successful to dominate the high-class cake markets, with its artistic designs and marketing strategies. Women's eyes will light up whenever they see the cakes. Seeing is the first part of our sensation towards a piece of cake. So subsequently, we know that the cakes will be bought, and photographed, and eaten.
The salesgirl, not surprisingly, is a sweet girl in the store. Her appearance and her voice were perhaps above the 95th percentile of the Hong Kong population. In other words, you will love her in the first second.
But on the second thought I know it is just a strategy. The manager knows the tactics. Customers just project their images of lover towards the sales, and want to do her good. With that the cakes can be sold more efficiently. Therefore, her face is just part of the promotion that attracts customers. In other words, she is just a part of the plan and the formula.
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