24 Sept 2013


   洪七——他來自鄉下,沒有穿鞋的外表,「不會留下駱駝不管」,「認為對就去做」,這些表明了他是個淳樸率真的人,代表了純真的自我。洪七為了一個雞蛋去殺太尉府的刀客,當歐陽峰問及緣由時,他說,「我的刀沒以前快了」,「和你在一起我發現沒有了自己」。雖然為一個雞蛋殺人不值得,但是「我覺得痛快」。這裡洪七和歐陽峰分別意指傳統文明和現代文明。一個淳樸善良但是瀕於餓死,另一個冷漠無情但是小有富足。歐陽峰在勸他做一個殺手時說,「考慮一下,不過要快嗷,因為肚子很快又餓了」。這就是現代文明以物質對傳統文明所作的脅迫。傳統肯定情意(洪七的義舉),現代則強調追逐利益(歐陽峰不會為一個雞蛋而殺人)。當洪七發現沒有自己時,代表現代文明對傳統文明的閹割。而洪七發現沒有了自己於是為一個雞蛋而殺人則代表了傳統文明對現代文明的 反抗。但是下場是斷指,這裡喻指洪七的勝利只是美好願望,或者是王家衛的主取向。王家衛以此來引導我們對現實困境的思索。洪七問山的那邊是什麼,歐陽峰告訴他是另一片沙漠,但他「一定要親自去看看」,以及後來他帶著老婆去闖蕩江湖,代表了他勇於開拓,之後終於成就霸業,足見王家衛對他的肯定,也可以說對他所代表的意象的肯定。張學友將這個小人物演得非常到位。 
   陌生女人——由楊采妮飾演的這個陌生女人一直在歐陽峰的客店門前等人給弟弟報仇她代表了執著。「她的執著在別人看來是浪費時間,但對她來說卻很重要。」西毒一直想要她 的身體,意思是佔有和同化。「你說你不會為別人犧牲自己,我看你這次會不會說的出做的到。」這裡又一次體現了粗暴野蠻的現代文明的優勢地位。她一直固執下去,最終等到了洪七為她報仇。這可以說是王家衛對傳統道德的肯定吧。 
   盲武士——因為妻子愛上了好友東邪,而憤然離家出走。最終有放不下愛,又想回去看她。這個人物較為悲情,自己的妻子愛上好友,三十歲失明,最終戰死。 「以前聽說如果刀快的話,血流出的聲音就像風聲一樣好聽,想不到第一次聽竟然是自己流的血」。實在是可憐。在出戰前他強吻了那個陌生女人,實際上對妻子的最後的告別。「我走之後,那個女人的眼淚在我臉上慢慢干去,不知道那個女人會不會為我流淚」。最後他讓歐陽峰告訴東邪,他的妻子在等他。不禁讓人為他扼腕!一邊是愛情,一邊是友情,他難以解開這個心結,也放不下,最終他以戰死逃避感情糾葛。梁朝偉內斂的性格將這個人物的悲情表演的較為到位。 
   西毒——「著四十多年來,總有些時你不想在提,有些人你不想在見,因為他們對不起你……..」其實這裡所說的是他自己的事。因為自幼喪父,與哥哥相依為命,「從小就懂得保護自己」,這是一個在感情漩渦中極易受傷的形象。他的現代文明的能指身份我不在多說。因為他對情義沒有信心(因為多次受傷),所以沒有對大嫂說那句話。致使大嫂一氣之下嫁給了哥哥,使兩個人痛苦一輩子。他也為此而自閉「要想不被人拒絕。最好的方法就是先拒絕別人。」著也是感情的一種自衛儘管他 出世來到冷清的沙漠,但是他 心中難以忘卻,對著陌生女人的背影,不由得想到大嫂,對於慕容焉的撫摩,的撫摩,他將之視為大嫂,在夢中也不斷的夢到大嫂。和大嫂一樣,「越是越是想知道自己是否忘記,反而會記得越清楚」這段傷痛反覆折磨他,所以他變的冷漠,變的狠毒。「任何人都可以變的狠毒,只要他嘗到什麼是嫉妒」。他對哥哥嫉妒,對洪七幸福的帶著老婆闖蕩江湖嫉妒。「我曾經也有這樣的機會。這種嫉妒轉為對世人的冷漠和報復。這裡體現了都市人的冷漠的形象,似乎在接讀這種冷漠提供一種模式。他不會為一個雞蛋而得罪太尉府的刀客,又想要輕薄陌生女人,因為洪七不聽他的話,他不會為他請大夫(這裡代表了他對正統價值的憤恨,因為他沒有得到正統價值所肯定的真愛)。冷漠背後是一顆已經受傷害怕再次受傷的心,都市社會中他不能相信天長地久(傳統道德)。「每個人都要經歷這樣的階段,看到一座山,就想知道山後面是什麼,我已經不想知道了。」可見他已心灰意冷。但同時他又說,「回過頭看,發現這邊會更好,但是我已經不能回頭了。」又表現他對出走沙漠的悔意。這裡「不想知道山那邊是什麼」,也代表他對已經已經擁有的珍惜,可惜沒有機會了。當洪七帶著妻子闖蕩江湖時,他的價值觀開始震動,「曾經我也有這樣的機會」,羨慕同時也是肯定。當後來嫂嫂病勢,他決定「當一個人不能再擁有,唯一可以做的就是令自己不要忘記」。他的價值觀開始變動。直至他撿器地上的雞蛋(喻指對洪七和陌生女人的肯定),放火燒了客棧,返回白駝山,成就了霸業從逃避現實到面對現實,從出世到入世,顯示了一種歸位,也是王家衛的一種暗示吧。張國容身上特有的頹廢氣質在這裡表現的非常完美。因此,他在忘家衛的電影中一貫飾演這種頹廢的人物 


23 Sept 2013


My adorable neurosurgeon MK has been promoted from the teaching hospital to another place as am associate consultant. Before he left, he had made such as a comment in the social circle:

... I also have enjoyed teaching the medical students because not only we could share knowledge, but also they kept reminding me how I might look like years ago...

Like him I realized I enjoyed teaching the medical students. Indeed, medical students are the best learning partner because they can act a viva voce examiner that you can prepare for examinations, when asked about clinical questions. Once you know something inside out, you can simplify your ideas and express it to a level they understand, it is very likely the examiner in real situation can pass you.

And I enjoy the teachings because most of the time, I am talking about classical, textbook-style cases. What is that, it is something that we approach the patients by taking good history, appropriate physical examinations, and then we think up a list of differential diagnoses, finally making a bit investigations and then proceed to treatment.

After the three months of the first rotation, I must say the real life is so different. What I have learnt from the great professors cannot be applied. Is it not right to take a good history and physical examination? PY, our honorable pediatrician must be very disappointed with the fact that we can bypass the criteria he set for a good physician using a urgent contrast abdomen and pelvis (sometimes plus thorax) for a abdominal pain.

Who is not disappointed?

As a result, I hesitate to tell the students about the reality. Young generations need a good imagination about the future. If I tell them, well, you no longer need history of physical examination. All you need is sophisticated imaging. They should ask me, why we still need medical education? We can simply train up a lot of radiographers and buy a lot of scanners for the patients. This is, possibly, cost-effective.

We no longer need Sherlock Holmes. The Victorian era has ended.

Because the imagination and the reality is so different, I almost had depression.

Why should I become a doctor? I told the nurses in the ward, well, I am simply a clerk, ordering a lot of investigations and did nothing good for patients at all. They laughed and thought I was joking. I was not. I lost sleep for that, wondering where will modern medicine go from the essence of clinical examinations.

What will Sherlock Holmes do if he is not going to talk to the client or go to the site himself? Well, he will indulge himself with cocaine (or nicotine patch), doing nothing.

I would have wanted to do the same, but I was brought back to the reality, and I have my mind cleared: to accept the flaw in the world. Don't you remember?

And nothing flawless, my dear fellow, is natural or genuine.

That's why 小龍女 is not a virgin. That's why 楊過 has to lose a upper limb. That's why they have to wait for so long to reunite. The true story in our life is, we have to accept the imperfection. Perfection, perhaps, only exist in the heaven. We in the end have to live with the imperfection, either it is a clinical dilemma or a daily decision. This is the life we need to have, a life that is outside the classics, outside the textbook-teaching.

So next time, I can tell the students the reality without shame. Well, flaw is, after all, something we have to understand and appreciate.

3 Aug 2013


As a fans of Sherlock Holmes, I must say I am more fond to the British medical system than the American one: diagnosis has to be arrived clinically, when the investigations are just confirming your suspicion. In short, we have to have something in mind before requesting one investigations, be it a complete blood count or a PET-CT. As the professor of paediatrics Patrick Yuen says, a good history taking and physical examination is the hallmark of a good physician. Interns of surgery are no exceptions.

However, what disappoints me the most is that, medicine in HK is gradually turning into a american one: we basically do many investigations, but not a lot of ideas in our mind of what is happening to the patients. You may say, well, investigations are cheap, but even a blood taking will cause pain to the patients, and this feeling is not cheap. Let alone a OGD or a colonoscopy. Well, there is no need for a doctor like me to book those investigations, as anyone who has knows how to use computer can click those items in the system, booking all those investigations, be it necessary or unnecessary for the patients. The so-called 80% diagnosis can be arrived based on clinical skills is perhaps myth.

But one day I know it really can happen. When I start to pay attention to what patients tell me, I can make a better clinical judgement without subjecting the patients to unnecessary tests. On the other hand, I don't need those high-tech tests to make a good diagnosis for the patients. The stories told by our seniors are true. We can do it. We can beat the machines with the most simple means: conversations and then physical examinations.

I could not but thinking of the old sayings from Sir William Osler. Listen, the patient is telling you the diagnosis.

30 Jun 2013


My old senior AL once wrote on his blog (which is called xanga) that he would love to record his life in housemanship in the very beginning, but when his year had finished, he said: he did not want to mention it again, for it was like hell.

Well. Let me remember this moment. I know it is hell and I have to survive. So sorry, I cannot guarantee that this site would be updated in time. I wonder if I have time to do that.

23 Jun 2013


Graduation dinner was held last night. Classmates were seen. Some photos were taken. But in the end we did not have a lot of talk during the feast.

It is quite natural nowadays. We have Whatsapp and Facebook. Who needs to talk? Therefore, most of the time people spent were taking photos. We were worried that we did not take a good photo then we might have a fruitless talk with each other.

My respected professors also noticed the problem. SN, a friendly colorectal surgeon started off asking me if I wanted to take photo first. Apparently he had been approached many times by asking taking a photo only, as though he was a movie star. Of course, I wanted to talk more than shoot a picture, which can by no means replace the content of a conversation. He was surprised, but at the same time, talked to me a lot about my future.

I was delighted that SC, my beloved oncologist recognized me instantly. I was more pleased when he was willing to share his own internship experience, and his view to the current attitude of interns. With his words, I can see the microscopic and the macroscopic aspect of our little world, as if I am given a talk on the molecular biology and the epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma. Though I will probably not become a oncologist, I found the doctors in this specialty very inspiring to me.

When I went back home and check the photos I had taken. I realized that some are of poor quality. Astonishing enough, I also found out some photos that had been taken were not existed. Blame it to the fate, I still enjoyed a good time with my friends. That's more important, isn't it.

20 Jun 2013










19 Jun 2013




現在,我的想法已經有所轉變,首先我愛的音樂一向走偏風,什麼Radiohead,什麼Muse,現在都不是英美的主流(現在是Justin Bieber的世界),只有一班狂迷痴情於他們,好像是非他們的音樂就不是音樂。這想法,當然大錯特錯;二來,我現在更加喜歡古典和電影配樂,難道我可以叫五個人玩這類型的音樂嗎?難道我可以叫其餘四個人接受造些音樂嗎?更別說台下我們的同事。


未來的日子,打鼓的機會只會愈來愈少,除非日後同事仍想表演,否則我家中的鼓棍實在是裝修的可再造之才;鼓藝本身都沒有多少,就當做還給教十年前教我打鼓的Ms. JoJo Ho 吧(好像她已經結婚生仔了,那麼我就送給她的兒子)。


14 Jun 2013





當然他所放的一切,都早有預謀:為何有布局?為何有這一種布局?他明明知道只有我這種人才會被吸引。對,他就要誘惑,我現在身處他設下的棋局,看似無路可逃,就像Chistopher Nolan 的 Prestige 一樣,兩個魔術師為得到對方的秘密,將自己的日記變為布局,只叫對方掉進陷阱。



12 Jun 2013


I got an ankle sprain at the time of critical importance again.

It is the right ankle again. I remembered the first time to have such as severe ankle sprain was my graduation camping of the primary school. I was skating and I hurt my ankle so badly that I had to leave the camp site (with the escort by the dearest friend KY, now a police officer). Tears were in my eyes. My classmates except KY would not be able to see it, because they all had fun in the camp. I was the only one who got hurt and pain.

That time I have known what pain really is.

This time, I had a football game with my classmates in the medical school. I tried to shoot from a return pass at the edge of the penalty box, but it turned out I had an unaccustomed position that I had an eversion injury. Completing the shooting posture, I still could manage to play. But later on, I found the pain not endurable and I had myself substituted.

Now what troubled me the most is not that I could not play football (indeed I realize I will have no chance to have football game before internship, not to mention during internship) for a long time, I could not step on the ground with my right foot easily, thanks to the pain. Therefore, I could hardly play drums with my usual right-hand setting.

One solution is I will try my less-proficient left-hand setting. I tried for some time about that sort of arrangement and it probably can work.

This time is not that painful now, strangely. The possible explanation is that, I actually not really care about the band performance. Band music to me is gone. I enjoy silence more than guitar and drum. However the performance this time, I have nothing to prove. If tomorrow I should find out my ankle's condition is so bad, I will even withdraw myself from the rehearsal. My bandmates can handle the condition without me, I am sure.

In other words, I don't feel the same pain I did this time. After all, I have become more philosophical and tried not to put others' happiness into my burden, or suffering.


Morocco, as a country located around the Mediterranean sea, is famous of Cheese.

We have had uncountable opportunities to have a taste of this very food, which was not very commonly served in Hong Kong. Well, we know why it is so: the humid weather can change every unprocessed food in a day or two into the dim sum of gems. For the sake of health, we let go this germ which is recently studied by NEJM to become protective to our cardiovascular system.

Anyhow, every morning, when the sun has come up (or we have woke up at the clock of 11 am), we prepared ourselves with bread and cheese. It is of course wonderful to found the tasteless bread to become a pleasing dish after the cheese is prepared.

As a local tradition, Moroccan will also supplement the bread with many others ingredients on the bread like jams to increase the sweetness. Heard from my father, Addition of sugar is a way to sustain in an adverse environment.

VM is particularly in love with cheese and this drove him to buy a box of cheese to get back to Hong Kong. He has a high hope that the cheese can still be itself when it is emigrated to Hong Kong. I did not have the same hope.

What I do is simpler: taste the cheese while I can.

6 Jun 2013


The most fearful event before the internship finally came. Surprisingly, it was very smooth and it took me no more than two steps to complete the rotation choices by swapping with the others.

This is another time of moment that I felt the God of fate was working behind all of us. Either by the choices made previously or the changes with the people you know or you don't know, every step was like a butterfly moving its wing, which eventually made a tremendous hurricane.

While I felt happy for my friends who have got the desired combination, I felt the people who did not have  favorable rotations. What I could do to you is likely to be minimal, but I can just quote what SF told me once before: If you are meant to be a good doctor, you will be good whatever post you are in.

Please just hold on.


One interesting fact about the swapping system is that, as usual in every year, you will encounter people you have never talked to during the swapping interval, possessing different interests. At that time, you will realize how fun it is to meet people whom you have never known can help you a great deal, even more than the people around you.

It is like exchanging train tickets (or octopuses) in the interchange station. People having opposite destinations will help each other for their own benefits. See, the world is after all not always a zero-sum game. If we can help each other even for the most selfish targets, we actually are doing something good to overall.

So may I use the space here to thank NL and DC for their sincere exchange. And I hope you two can get a good combination in the end (and of course, become the good doctors you want to be these 5 years).

2 Jun 2013


As usual, I brought books for travelling. So for this time, when I went to Morocco, I brought myself with some leisure readings too, but this time there is a subtle difference.

Kindle paperwhite was with me this time. I have had the time to finish The Three Kingdoms (三國演義) and some part of the Sherlock Holmes.

As for Three Kingdoms, this was perhaps my third time to read it up. Every time I do it, new ideas and images came up to my mind to an extent that it invaded into my dream as if I lived in that time of moment, fighting with the Generals. Blame it to the video games, the appearances of the people in the novels are quite fixed in my mind, but their characters are lively in the novel that I feel like we can talk when I read the book. What a fascinating experience it has been, especially when I finish all the examinations so far, free of pressure.

The reading began when I was preparing for the examination. Every night before I slept, I would lie down and turn on the Kindle and read the book. When I finished it, I just realized that 100 years of time has gone through in my head. 臨江仙, which is the first poet in the book, comes to my head.


We are just the ashes of time.

17 May 2013


On this very special day, which is the first day I officially become a medical doctor, I hope to share with you what is following me these years. These are nothing but some words of wisdom from my dearest teachers, who give me so much inspirations. I don't know how to thank them but to practise medicine with a good heart. Nobody says it is easy, but I just have to do it.

SF: If you have a caring heart, there is nothing you can't do. You will practise good medicine to patients.

TL (when he was just a house officer, when asked how to deal with futile resuscitation in the midnight): I can just try to do my best and hope something happen. There is not certainty about life and death.

JS (my mentor in my Singapore time): I am not asking u to become a good CUHK graduate. I am asking you to become a good doctor in the future.

KH (my all time model): you should put all your time with your patients, and all your time with your family. The thing to decide is how do you distribute the time. When the time comes, do you best. Be pro-active.

With all your inspirations, how can I not become a good one? Your hopes and expectations are not the burden but the powerful fuels to me. Please light me up and start my new life.

14 Apr 2013


Officially I have gone through the whole curriculum, from the basic anatomy and physiology in year 1, to the philosophy from our dearest oncologist in year 5.

There are two people whose name who I can never forget.

The first one is CK. As you all know, she is my senior. Her commitment towards this profession is unshakable. Before the start of the year 1, she taught me what is devotion by her act. On one gathering, she would ride a bicycle (despite that she never know how to) so that  the group could have fun. I still remembered how she rode on the bicycle with two assisted wheels. You might think its easy, but for a novice, the bicycle was always shaking when you were on it. How on earth someone who decided to have a activity which she never knew or love? It was because she loved to gather the people she knew and cared about. She wanted to see us to make us good medical students. That is all.

Her Chinese name is 嘉明. 嘉者,讚許也。明者,亮也。 The beauty is the simplicity as well as the meaning underneath. People says your name is the description of your character. I have to say that her Chinese name is the best to describe her life: the praise of the light in our world.

The other one is our dearest oncologist SF. Being loved by so many seniors and my classmates, his teaching in the oncology module has been inspirational in many years. In the end of every tutorial, he would ask if there is anything new. His expected answer is no: indeed everything he taught nothing new in terms of textbook knowledge, on the contrary, he taught us how to integrate what we have learnt in these years, making them a memorable knowledge instead of forgettable information. His way of teaching is excellent.

He is being something more. In the end of the module, he told us stories about the ups and downs of people these years. He told us how bad the situation of our ecology has been, talking about the devils and the hells. Some could feel the pain from this speech. But, he decided to turn our mind again, saying that when the sky is dark the stars will be brighter. Whenever there is struggle, the opportunity comes up.

He loves to teach, hoping to see his students to become the light and salt of the world every year.

His name is 承暉. The continuation of the sunlight. Again, it is the best name to describe his life. Nothing less, nothing more.

With their inspirations, I am committed to make the best to become the doctor for the rest of my life.

1 Apr 2013


The first of April originally is meant to be funny for everyone. But for a special reason, Hong Kong people can hardly find it pleasing. It is all because of our Leslie Cheung, who chose to end his transient but spectacular life on the same day, 10 years ago.

Being the greatest star in Hong Kong, he is forever missed by the fans. He deserves it totally. For these few weeks he has been in every corner. His posters, his songs and his movies have once again infiltrated everywhere now, just like the 80's and 90's. Once again, we know that the difference between the truly great artist and the care-frees today.

No wonder one of my friend exclaimed her loss, saying she should have been born 10 or 20 years earlier to know Leslie better. Yes. in that case, she would possibly have known Danny Chan, Anita Mui, Wong Ka-kui better as well.

Instead of making the same sigh (which I used to do) as my young friend did, I imagine. I imagine that Leslie was born 20 years later, which would be 20 Sep 1976. By now he would have been at the age of 37, which is supposed to be his second prime, being the main actor for the movies like The Ashes of Time, Days of Being Wild.

In this age of time, he will face a much smaller resistance from the media about his sexual orientation. He was perhaps one of the first well-known artist who declared his choice openly (as well as being most severely attacked by the mass media). Now in Hong Kong, we are more open to gay men and lesbians. It was a completely different story 20 years ago, when we teased the gays and tried to avoid making contact with them, without understanding what they think. It was previously thought as a disease, but now most will know that it is just the difference of choice.

The game has been remade. People can come out and declare their choices with pride. People demand for the rights to love (which is intuitively right) and have marriages with their partners. Consensus although may not be arrived at this moment, we all feel that our community is at least coming close to the target, when the resistance is soften, and the conflicts are getting solved. 20 years ago, one without powerful imagination could not predict this would ever happen.

At least, should Leslie be with us now, it is foreseeable that he will become a happier man with his lover. He might not be the greatest star we have seen in the posters or the movies. He does not care, even if he is no longer an artist. He would rather become what he wants to be: Leslie Cheung.

P.S. Though according to the principle of parallel universe, there should not be interference between the spaces, and as a result, I am not quite sure in the absence of Leslie, our society would be as open to homosexuality as now. But one thing that is certain, our world has become more open to it in general. Let's hope Leslie is smiling for this very change from the above.

13 Mar 2013


Reading the blog of my teacher (who called himself a malicious nephrologist), I realized that what the clinicians today can offer to the patients that are superior to investigation machines, are nothing but human touch.

It looked like I am far from competent in both diagnosing diseases and providing cares to our patients. I have to confess that yesterday I did not behave like a good person, when I went to a elderly lady who looked so ill. Well, the sign on her neck was rare but very spectacular that medical students and doctors in a distance of two meters can notice, thus giving a correct diagnosis. Therefore, with a kind heart I led some of my friends to her as well, examining her neck.

At this time, her husband came bringing some meals and soups. Seeing a bunch of white-coats around her wife, he was more than happy. Maybe that time he thought we were doctors trying to help. Maybe that time he thought that his lovely wife  became better. Maybe.

He said we were a group of kind people. (你地真係有心)

But we are not. She did not get better neither. Next day she died with natural courses.

The bed she occupied was emptied. And it left also a hollow in my heart. I was not doing enough to support her and her husband. I asked myself: What have I become in this year five, when I supposed to learn to become a caring doctor? Everyday we went to the wards for signs but not patients. Doctors said it is right because it led us to pass. But as the incident comes, I could not doubt more about it.

So I now know what really have to do: to give some human touches to the people around me.

9 Mar 2013


In the end, some critics suggested that the failure of Manchester United which led to their defeat to Real Madrid was Sir Alex Ferguson. They said that, when Nani was sent off, the manager was too emotional and was unable to mobilize his bench players like Wayne Rooney or Shinji Kagawa to maintain the momentum of the team on the field, which was obviously losing faith that time.

At the same time, the manager of the other side, quickly realized the way to dominate the game is to control the midfield. And the way to control the midfield is to substitute Mordic who can pass the balls and shoot. Mordic did not let his manager down-- He slaughtered our red devils but a cracker.

I myself had similar experience when I had my examination simulation by the study group. My first station was examined by KW who was really good at rare diseases. I did not know what to do and my performance was bad. Having a low mood I continued to have other stations and did not improve. The whole day was gone and I did not learn really a lot. Blame it to the emotion.

But on the other hand it was a vital lesson to learn from Ferge and myself: how to stand up quickly after a fall is important, particularly when we have only limited time. It was just like what Rocky said to his son. "You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward."

6 Mar 2013


The match between Manchester United and the Spain giant Real Madrid was supposed to be one of the greatest match in the Champions League this year, but the referee decided to make himself the centre of discussion by destroying the match.

Just before his controversial decision to send Nani off, the two teams were playing football of the highest class. Two teams were full of tactics and the players were full of energy and determination. I simply could not find another match to compare with this one, nor could I find matches from other sports that were as pulsatile as this was. However, with the whistling from the Turk referee, everything was in vain.

This is life. One decision out of nothing can change everything. There was a guy who was going to strike for his dream, but one accident took his ability out. There was a guy who wanted to stop the war with his music, however, one bullet took. This is a Manchester United with players aspiring to win everything this year and dominate the games but the referee ruined the fairness. I could not imagine how frustrated the manager and the players felt that time and after the game.

I used to compare the fate of Manchester United with mine every year: I now have to pray that I could not stand for another anti-climax in my life.

28 Feb 2013


It may sound odd, but I am always a fan of Ayumi Hamasaki (濱崎步).

It all began with my brother. When he lived with me 10 years ago, he had a collection of the albums from this Japanese singer, who was already a megastar that time. Strange enough, we both did not know Japanese. More strange is that we both were so attached to her music. Of course, we did not know the lyrics.

You might say, well, because the melody is attractive that we loved her songs. But technically the singer did not have a wide vocal range, compared with the contemporary singers that time. The composition of the songs might play a role, as you know there are so many re-mix versions of her songs, which are released as albums as well! (I suppose she did break the record to make few albums from few songs with various remix versions, and almost all of these albums are commercial successes that time.)

When I look back today, as I listen to her songs again and again recently, I realize that it is the emotion that inspire the generation of my time. Seemingly it is very difficult hard to comprehend, but this is the power of music, which is itself a language for communication. How often the people who listen to the Italian Opera will know the lyrics? People just appreciate it and love it anyway.

I am glad that I process the power to appreciate music, which has been my third language for so many years, making me cry and smile all the time.

27 Feb 2013


Finally I did the half marathon last Sunday. Though disappointed by result, I still managed to make my personal best.

It is lucky for me to accomplish the run. Thousands of people lost their limbs which disabled them to run. Some people do not have the good lungs and heart to keep them moving. I am grateful to be a healthy person to strive for the personal best, at the best time of my life.

Speaking of which, I still remembered when I started to develop running as my habit. It was in year two when I felt that I should join the HK marathon, and I bought a pair of the running shoes which I am still using.  The first place I ran was in CU campus, in a silent night that only the shadows of the trees and the shadow of me were with me. I could hear, regularly, the sound produced by the moving train around the train station. Sometimes the winds blew and the crepitations from the leaves, I still remembered them.

Now that I am already in year five and a few months later I will become a part of the health care system. Time is running so fast that I can't possibly catch for it. Perhaps last Sunday would be the last time I ran as a student. Well, I can't get a better ending than this.

23 Feb 2013


A plain paper can hold anything. Some tried to write down words on it. Some tried to put the pigments on it. You put all the colours onto it and make me a part of the beautiful picture. The colours did not fade in these few years and it is more intensified when the time of departure has come.

I am so happy that I, the paper, met you, the painter. You gave me the meaning of life and taught me what was worthy to purse and what was not. I made a mistake that I could never turn back and I chose to leave you, without saying goodbye. Since then this paper was never painted again and it made itself a trash, rather than a picture.

I usually did not turn back, but when I turned, there are so much regrets that I could not dare to open up my eyes to see. Therefore, I tried to keep my eyes forward. It did not help. People need to always remember the past to fight for the better tomorrow. Before is the front of the people. Our languages has wonderfully told us this very truth. When I really turned back to you, things started to come to my head. It completed the hiatus of me and I, now, have become a new person.

Thank you very much.

15 Feb 2013


I had a flashback on a very occasion in my junior surgical clerkship. I was in UCH attaching to their surgical department. Lacking of any knowledge about surgery, I did not know what to do exactly in the wards, I could just find some patients who were lying comfortably on the beds to talk.

The professors says, the patients are the best teachers for us. But for convenience, I preferred to find some young patients who were supposed to be communicable, in order to commence my learning activities. I was in the 8B ward with patients having urological problems, following the evening round. The doctors took a lengthy time discussing the treatment plans for the patients, most of their conversations I did not understand.

Afterwards, I talked to the patient who was reading a Bible, at the bedside there was a wood cross. Chief complaint, history of present illness, past medical history......I wrote them up but did not know what was really going on with him. How stupid I was, I thought to myself, to spend precious time with a young patient with some incomprehensible history. Finishing my history taking, I was puzzled by him, and the words from the professors.

"I 've got a growth in the pelvis that the doctors did not know how to treat, so I don't think you can know it clearly!" He told me, smiling. The discussion finally came to nothing since I could not make any reasonable guess. I checked his medical record and really saw a weird diagnosis, presumably a rare malignant disease.

So coming back to this time, when my senior surgical clerkship has ended and the year of Snake has come, I recalled that situation. Rare diseases seldom are seldom curable, not to mention a malignant one. The statisticians who thought they know the truth (within the confidence interval) will probably conclude that the gentlemen should have gone already.

But I know he still stay in this world, or at least in my mind. I wish him happy new year, and stay healthy, my teacher.

13 Feb 2013


Nietzsche says: The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.

In other words, The disadvantage of a good memory is that one suffers from what they have remembered.

One day I talked to an old lady who is a manager of a geriatric support group. She told me how bad the condition for someone to develop Alzheimer's disease, which caused a lot of carer stresses. "The patients looked so healthy that they seemingly are not having problems, but they just cannot remember what they have done with their family members in the past."

Of course, as we all know, the disease has a characteristic of retrograde amnesia, which the patient can easily forget what they have done in the recent time, but can preserve the memory from the very old days. But the patients having severe degeneration can forget everything.

"When I look to my friend Sir Charles Kao." She went on. Mr. Kao is the Nobel Laureate who is also known as the father of optic fiber. "He is never troubled with his problems. Preserving his socializing ability he can join in a lot of parties and be talkative. Of course, he may not even know who he is talking to, or what exactly he is talking about. Despite that he enjoys so much, and I am so moved by his wife, who took care of him for every little thing."

So you see, how bliss and misfortune can combine themselves to present before us. 禍兮福之所倚,福兮禍之所伏 (老子.五十八章)

9 Feb 2013


A doctor recently made an entry on Facebook, earning thousands of likes and praise.

I shall not discuss whether the medical officer will one day become the Victor Hugo of our time, but pray allow me share with you a piece of famous story about Jesus Christ and a woman who did sin. This is from John 8:1 - 11.

Jesus went across to Mount Olives, but he was soon back in the Temple again.Swarms of people came to him. He sat down and taught them.

The religion scholars and Pharisees led in a woman who had been caught in an act of adultery. They stood her in plain sight of everyone and said, “Teacher, this woman was caught red-handed in the act of adultery. Moses, in the Law, gives orders to stone such persons. What do you say?” They were trying to trap him into saying something incriminating so they could bring charges against him. 
Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger in the dirt. They kept at him, badgering him. He straightened up and said, “The sinless one among you, go first: Throw the stone.” Bending down again, he wrote some more in the dirt. 

Hearing that, they walked away, one after another, beginning with the oldest. The woman was left alone. Jesus stood up and spoke to her. “Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?”

“No one, Master.” “Neither do I,” said Jesus. “Go on your way. From now on, don’t sin.”

Though Nietzsche said we are now on our own in this world, it certainly needs some senses for people to judge.

Cosmetic II

The Professor asked if we went to Korea before, and did we notice the obvious abnormalities on the streets.

Yes I did, and I did once describe the finding in this very page (http://kkpoon329.blogspot.hk/2012/01/mask.html).

He went on telling us about his personal experience on the people in this country. "Their face are broad, chins are gross and eyes are small, thanks to their skull development. And because of their cold environment, their genetics has decided they have to be a bit obese to survive!" He said. "They may be exceptionally white, but it does not make them beautiful: please bear in mind that in this East-asian region, beautiful face is almost defined by the Japanese girl." Our authority said.

I could not be more agree with him. Indeed, what the Koreans are trying to do, whatever in their faces or in their technologies, they are replicating the success of Japanese. Although it may still be consider good by coping from greatness, there is not much character in the appearance of the Koreans. Mathematically, most of the people in Korea who receive plastic surgery are trying to minimize the standard derivation from the "beauty" in the distribution curve. (But in reality I don't think the curve is in normal distribution anyway.)

However, it is sad to see everyone try to look like the same person, or behave the same. Even worse, many of us like to do this. Many of us like to lose their own characters.

Perhaps it is like what the medieval philosophers proclaimed: we are all the replicates of the Gods. What we are trying to achieve to a step closer to the NORMAL: the Lord. So, welcome to the era of characterless-ness. This is the time where we all believe in God. 

5 Feb 2013

Cosmetic I

This is the final week of senior surgical clerkship that I am in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Sincerely I hope this will be my last week of surgical clerkship as a medical student!

This epic finale begins with an introductory lecture from Prof. AB. First of the foremost, it is about the definition of PRS in true medical context. Well, this specialty has been misunderstood by the public for a long time. Perhaps some will just consider plastic surgeons a service-provider to those who can afford to pay, for the sake of beauty.

The professor said "Some people have structural abnormalities of their appearance (skins, mainly) and need to have reconstruction surgery. This is a major part of our duty. Another part is, we perform surgery for the sake of cosmesis." Don't underestimate the relationship between your outlook and your "health". After all, as WHO stresses, health is a combination of physical health, mental and social health, not just the absence of disease.

In this case, a beautiful face can ensure a good physical health, lift up our mind, and subsequently, enable us to make a better social circle. (That's certainly an important function of our appearance: some even suggest it helps our ultimate goal of living: to mate.)

But what is beauty? What is in the surgeons' mind (or the client's mind) when they want to make a beautiful face?

P.S. For the information of Facebook philosophers, this is perhaps one of the earliest philosophical questions since the time of Plato (or even earlier).

3 Feb 2013


Music is a kind of language, that's why it also can tell a story. Sometimes it comes with the movies (what we also call pictures) to make the story sounds better.

For unknown reason I start to appreciate, on top of the eye-catching scenes of the movies, the background music. It all begins with the Batman series from Christopher Nolan, with his long-term composer partner Hans Zimmer who provided him with the fuels of melodies.

Mr. Zimmer, if you know him well enough, is also the composer of the Lion King soundtrack.

People usually asked how it is possible for composer to write a score out of a picture, when the picture is not created by the musician himself. It is not the situation that we see in pop music or classical music. Will the director or the actor hum a melody which they think are suitable for the composer? Probably not. Most of the time, they will just give the composer the ideas or the themes that they should strife for. But how do a theme or an notion evolve as a score, that's the magic composers can make.

The magic of soundtracks are that it can come to your mind when you encounter similar situations as though we are in the movie. The soundtrack will play themselves as you go through the episodes. That's universal for everyone in the planet, as music is perhaps one of the few common languages to communicate, which does not need anymore lyrics.

Oh, how can possibly a man like me to live without music.

30 Jan 2013


Victor Hugo, 200 years ago, wrote Les Misérables to record the lives of the people in his day, showing his sympathy to the suffered and asking questions on the nature of law and justice. Because of his humanistic concerns to the problems, and his good hope to the world, he was also known as the first intellectual of mankind, that he used his knowledge to help the inferior people.

In present days, we can't need more intellectuals to reveal the problems that our city has. They do not have to dream about a utopia that God will save all of us in the end. However, at least, they have to uncover the stones that are full of germs underneath. And they have to guide our people to where we can be more hopeful and optimistic, showing us what good and virtue has to be.

We have a lot of writers to make their entries to the Facebook. Some of them are really famous to gather a lot of "Like" in a short period of time. But if we look closer, we should discover that their entries are but the ideas of the general public: full of mediocre complaints and lack of inspirational comments. Still, Facebook users like it. (An analogy comes to my mind: people like to have McDonald's rather than the local food restaurants but because McDonald's is better, but because they serve ordinary food.)

I used to post in Facebook for some thoughtful comments on current issues, but in return a lot more people would be interested in what I cook, despite that they never try them. Then I know: Facebook is also a collection of average peoples who deserve average attractions. Those people who are obsessed in getting Likes, let them become the average as well. They don't have to be intellectual like Hugo.

25 Jan 2013


As the end is near, a group of enthusiastic colleagues has decided to make a graduation book to record everything fun in these five years. They are now recruiting photos as the content. I see how hard they are trying to make a fancy and splendid book, however, I am afraid that this would be futile.

Well, we have a good Facebook. If you have friends in this social network, where total privacy is almost impossible, there are thousands of photos describing our daily activities, from snaps during running, a movie ticket or a coffee cup. Moreover, albums about birthday parties, outings or even weddings are not in deficiency. The graduation committee should have known this very fact and they are supposed to have an easy task to complete, for the sake of filling in the book.

However, when it comes to volunteering photos for the lives that are joyful to our class, it is really a trouble. No one except our class representatives are all-rounded to please everyone. Indeed we don't have to. But in this very little population there are a few who just want to watch the world burn, developing hatred and evil. They are perhaps as displeasing as some other people in our class who want to play God, putting themselves as the judges all the time. It turns out we can have few close friends in the class, but many dudes that you never know or hate. In that case, how can a grad book to turn a really sad class to a happy class, without changing the facts?

At this moment, though not 100% appropriate to use poems that describe romantic relationships for the personal relationships between classmates, I can never stop myself thinking of my favorite lines from 納蘭性德《木蘭花令擬古決絕詞》:


Do you remember the first time when we met in the orientation camp?


Where does our language come from? Human beings at the first place do not know English or Cantonese. It is perhaps until people have to communicate with each other, either for food or sex or anything else, they need to talk to express their need.

As languages build up, coincidentally our world and our brains becomes larger in capacity. Concepts develop and ideas arise. Agreements are made between people, so as conflicts. But anyhow, by definition, our world has become beautiful because of the language development, enabling us to describe it.

On the other hand, it has become ugly and evil with the language, as suggested by Cangjie (倉頡) who created Chinese words. Read the following:


You see, my friends, many people in our history of human beings make tricks using the languages to control the minds of other people, making schemes for their own benefits. Languages are the tools of reason and truth when they are used by the people with righteous and just mind, but also the swords and guns when they are used by the devils. We should never give up our reason but just believing in what other peoples say. Instead, we always have to interpret what the external information, before deciding if they are true or false.


Tuesday I decided to run again, after a few weeks of hiatus.

Runners should have the same feelings in our little town. After all, we will have our yearly challenge of having the Hong Kong Marathon next month. If we are not to make the best preparation before the game, everything we have prepared this year would become undone.

In the last few weeks I had more football games than ever. But in a friendly match you did not really have a lot of chances to run. Sometimes you splint, sometimes you walk and most of the time you stand still and wait for the football. That's why my stamina did not improve a lot and I felt an urge to run again.

Setting the timer, I started my game from the hostel down to Ma On Shan and came back. It was entertaining and educational to listen to the recorded radio program. during the running, and the timer kept telling me the speed I ran. If I had asked friends out to run with me, then we would end up talking but not running, the training would become nothing.

Well, running was indeed a sole game. And I loved it.

20 Jan 2013


I had intended to write the story of what I had thought about my brother's marriage. But then, I found them so dramatic that no one will believe. So here I tell you, the couples came from a good family and they will live happily together forever. Best wishes to them, wholeheartedly.

14 Jan 2013


From my personal experience, comparing with the past, we indeed have more songs in recent decades to mention about the loss of a lover that we are never with. That is called Amour non partagé.

Having so many instant messagers and social networks available, people might really have thought that we will be more easily encounter another part of us, or even engage with them. But it fact it may not be the truth. Some people, having the deficiency in their communication skills, can merely talk, let alone making interesting messages to be attractive. The social network, again, is just a burden for this kind of people, for they can just watch other people to demonstrate their affection. But the chances never come to them.

As a result, the market for these sort of Amour non partagé has never been so huge. Everyone sings about it. They actually moan about it. The loss of one-sided love. The imagined love.

Anyway, in the past we did have masterpieces about this phenomenon. Have you ever heard of Dante's Divina Commedia?

13 Jan 2013


There are, apart from restaurants that serve meals of different styles, pâtisseries that sell various of cakes.

It is a different situation compared with restaurants. In fact it has been infiltrated by chain stores, notably Tony Wong.

Indeed the famous TW has been quite successful to dominate the high-class cake markets, with its artistic designs and marketing strategies. Women's eyes will light up whenever they see the cakes. Seeing is the first part of our sensation towards a piece of cake. So subsequently, we know that the cakes will be bought, and photographed, and eaten.

The salesgirl, not surprisingly, is a sweet girl in the store. Her appearance and her voice were perhaps above the 95th percentile of the Hong Kong population. In other words, you will love her in the first second.

But on the second thought I know it is just a strategy. The manager knows the tactics. Customers just project their images of lover towards the sales, and want to do her good. With that the cakes can be sold more efficiently. Therefore, her face is just part of the promotion that attracts customers. In other words, she is just a part of the plan and the formula.

12 Jan 2013


Seldom do I indulge in eating, for I think that time should be spent in a more meaningful way like reading or listening to music. But Kowloon city, a place full of wonderful meals, did catch my eyes and change a bit of my ideas.

This place was an old one, with short residential buildings around and a uncomfortable accessibility. But with these features Kowloon city remained its unique features: loads of restaurants that have their own characteristics that serve food that could not be easily found outside with sincere owners and staff with whom you can chat. True. It is all about the people.

The restaurants are plenty of customers but it is not crowded. People chat but they are not noisy. On a quite noon, it is hard to find a better place than here to enjoy.

What worries me is good time won't last forever. The tycoons have been trying to buy all the old buildings and planning to plant their empire here. What the throw to our old citizens are a loads of cash that can corrupt the hearts. No sooner people will give up on their lands, so as the little shops at the ground floor. What will replace them will be the spineless shopping malls(like the Kowloon City Plaza), where only chain stores can survive and no one will go.

Nothing is going to last forever. I just know it. But I am still thankful to the people here that give me a week of fantasy.


W is a sinner, but as Jesus Christ said we must not commit suicide, W dares not to kill myself. But in order to punish himself, he hurts myself.

If W do not hurt myself, how can the justice be done? Others will not know the dark side. The judgement has to be made on his own, so as the execution. There has to be someone to put the cross onto him to balance the right and wrong in this world. Yes. He is in the wrong side, and he has to do the right thing.

One day X (a friend of W) and W talked about a girl who was recently engaged. While X did not know that W used to love her, W knew X did. And then, they had the Roland-Barthes-sque discussion: described the girl from we knew and felt.

X said she was a simple-mind person and love the wisdom and virtue. Not only her appearance is beautiful but her soul is also the most adorable one. Losing her would be the part in his life that will never be recovered. He cursed the man who took away her. He was never a match to the girl, with the evil soul and the cold heart. Never. Never. Never.

On the contrary, W told X: It was the girl who picked up that man. If she was a person possessing the most wonderful character in the world, how could it be possible for her to choose a supposedly incompatible body part to fit her half-body? Therefore, she must not be that good.

X's heart was sunken. W knew it, because he had his heart broken before, only after understanding the logic. He kept this in mind, and cursed the girl instead.

6 Jan 2013








Orthopaedics is still frightening to me. In my junior clerkship I realized that I did not really know about the subject, despite being a important part of surgery. It is disadvantageous for me to be ignorant if I want to become a surgeon, but I remained a dumb after the senior clerkship.

As a result I could not easily pretend I know something in the examination. Though the result has not announced, I am convinced that I will fail this time--I am usually right when I know that I performed poorly, although when I felt that I performed well, I did not usually get it right.

The consequence is a mild one: I will be reassessed in a 30 minute session that a professor will ask me to perform another set of physical examination, asking me some questions to check if I really am that bad. In fact, I am.

I told some of my friends about this matter. Surprisingly, they showed me the positive meanings. First is I can really have a second chance to face up with an examiner. It is only in the pressurized atmosphere I can improve my speed and fluency of the examination. Another thing is of course, as mentioned by the coordinator, this module end examination is just a practice. It is not the end of the world (also known as the final examination).

The silver lining of the cloud smiles to me once again. Let me face up with the result. Thanks my friends for the encouragement.