25 Dec 2012


I am never fond of being a fundamental christian (Oh, I am not qualified as a christian after all). But on this very day, there is some inconvenient truth that must be said.

It was known that around 2000 years ago, the child was born today. Because of that, some people decided we should have holidays these days to celebrate this glorious day. For many years, we did. We prepared for it, we enjoyed it for this purpose (though not this purpose only) and we had a great time.

However, when you look outside the window and go along the Victoria harbor, you should know that people might not have even know this holiday is for Jesus Christ. The light decoration has everything but not the religious symbols. What people are carrying are Chanel or Titus. Look at the advertisements and all the commercials. Today has become the glory day of Capitalism, but not the day of Christianity. People are elated with the pulse of materialistic satisfaction and yet they do not realize the meaning.

I might be wrong. Even the Vatican acknowledged recently that the 25th of December is not really the birth date of Jesus Christ. Today may be just another ordinary holiday. Why don't we all take a rest. Merry Christmas.

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