19 Nov 2011


I was told that there was a year three junior being praised by our star medical officer that she could go straight to the PACES with her bedside skills.

I was alerted.

Yes, being so brilliant in year three was good. In fact, you stay longer in the general medicine and surgery during the junior clerkship in our medical school. As a result, you will see more patients, noticing more symptoms and signs, which are the roof of our reasoning towards formulating the list of differential diagnoses and subsequent managements. I wish I was half as bright as that junior student so to learn more in year three.

But then I was puzzled if the junior should be praised so early. As you know PACES is a membership examination, which is 4 years after her junior clerkship. Optimistically, she will keep it up and become a bright gold medalist. Later on choose to become a medicine MO for the PACES. (And hope she will not go to Family Medicine to enjoy QoL!) If our star medical officer was right, she can pass without any difficulty.

But at the same time, I am afraid of witnessing a death of another burning bird. Do you still remember the story of her? scoring an excellent marks in HKCEE in young ages, and then had a famous admission to our medical school. And do you still remember the ending of her?

Let's hope that our junior classmate can bear the pressure. She will be the future of our school.

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