13 Oct 2011


Have you heard a news recently, that a man from California who made two thousands bottled-letters and threw them all into the Pacific Ocean to make friends?

It was a news, and it was surprising: after all, in this 21st century, we still used the most fundamental ways to communicate. While it was still lovely of the man to practise this old method. We should praise our nature, the power of which never let us down.

He said he got more than two thousands bottles back. Apart from the people from the other side of the Ocean just as Japan. What astonished him the most was that he got a response from Spain at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Also, he got a letter from a old man from Canada who had a terminal illness. However, the date of the letter was 10 years before, and the old man probably died. What a loss it was. It was the destiny that brought them to know each other. However, the time was the funniest playwright: he loved the jokes of separating people apart.

Today we have the satellite above us and the wifi all around us. Most importantly, we have the Facebook before us. You may wonder, through these systems, if we can deliver our messages to the people we want them to get? I always wonder, if it is a better way than the bottled-letter?

I shall try to do it. If it is not proved a better way, I shall prove it. If it is not better, then I shall go back to the square one: making bottled-letters. The one somewhere in this very city can receive it. I shall also make paper planes. Like the bird which carried the messages in the past, it shall fly into your home and open itself. On the paper it shall write:

You 're Beautiful
You 're Beautiful
You 're Beautiful
It's true.

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