29 Oct 2011


Perhaps it was because the landslide defeat of Manchester United to the noisy neighborhood Manchester City that I didn't have the right mood to make entry recently. (Of course, the true cause was I would have examinations soon and one other thing)

And I was relieve to saw Manchester changed themselves and had a one-nil victory over the Everton. It doesn't matter how many goals to win. However, it does matter that the team had a clear sheet tonight. The harder we were hit, the harder we bounced. Let's go over it again. It was what define Manchester United.

And one more that astonished me the most was, of course, the 3 - 5 win of Arsenal at Stanford Bridges. Do you still remember how bad the gunners was few months ago at Old Trafford? They had the worst defeat ever in the history just before. And how they were back with a convincing victory. The Flying Dutchman Robin Van Persie, though I was never a fan of Arsenal, had a game that moved everyone who watched the match. This was the man who would bear the losing team, instead of moving to a winning team, and get the team back the right track. The three goals were great. You could not imagine how elated the gunner Captain was when he finished the hat trick a few minutes before the end of the match. Chelsea was a great team, but they lost to the best team of the day.

So stand up! Manchester United. Three point was not equal to the League Championship. It is a long race that will only finish by the time the 20 teams finished all the 38 matches this year. Never forget what the City had done one week ago. We shall get back and want for the revenge!

27 Oct 2011


If the new information is correct, then my Nexus One would become the Orphan, despite being the first Google Phone. It will be left behind by the android system that the phone would not receive the Android 4.0 update.

This was a stunning news to me, since after the repairing, I had hoped that the phone would be have a new life: not only having a physical repair, but also a systematic improvement. Now the dream shall not be realized. I was a bit disappointed. You know what, Nexus one only appeared in the market for 2 years and it was abandoned.

One thought came to my head: shall I purchase one new phone to keep the breast with the trend? The new system was very attractive. It was much quicker and beautiful. Also consider my phone: it had been repaired for two times. The third time will surely come.

But for a while I knew I won't do it. I will keep the phone until the very last moment of its life. Because I thought of E, who told me her story with her phone:

My phone had been with me for 4 years. It was of course very out-dated. But I loved it. I love to make text and the phone is able to do it. Therefore, there was no reason to change. It shall be with me until it was no longer usable.

It is the attitude that I am looking for.

26 Oct 2011




實習開始不久,我跟同組的伍同學拜會L醫生。因知道他是首領之一,我倆坐在會議室內,都恭恭敬敬,唯恐一個不小心,得罪老師。然後,他進來,講了一些對我們的要求,包括要事先通知他下次會面時間,講病例時要用良好、簡單的英語,例如:要以時間順序講,不要用short-form,除LMP同EDC講實際日期 (例如2011年10月23日)外,其他一律講相對時間(例如3日前),要分清男女,要分清單雙數……原來這些就是首領的要求,實在有點無聊,「一早知啦,洗你講」之言不禁由我心裏發出,自己亦不放這些要求在心內。





23 Oct 2011


I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I know. That's why I can't stay at home just reading the O&G terminology only. I need to entertain myself.

This time I chose to watch a TV drama which aired 10 years ago. It was Wars of the Genders. (男親女愛)

It seemingly the war never ends. Do you know Miss Mo is the drama? She was a middle-aged lawyer, unmarried (until the end). And Yu Lok Tin, was a mere paralegal advisor in the Law firm. He was never comparable to Miss Mo. But they collided anyway.

If not living in drama, the reality should never make them a couple.

15 Oct 2011


There was a story from everything, including my broken phone.

It was the second time that my Nexus One went wrong. The power button stopped working again. I took the phone for the repair in February this year, and it failed me again. Recognizing the same pattern of problem, I searched a web called androidguy.com and found this statement.

"Google’s Nexus One has been, or still is for some users, one of the best Android handset available. However it is far from being the perfect device we would all want to own."

Therefore, I was forced to make the repair again. I contacted the HTC (who was the producer for this Google's son). They told me that this time they could not do it for free, because the phone had no warranty. "How much was that, then?" I asked. "$150, plus the price of the item that the phone needs." They said. (later I confirmed to cost to be $400)

"They are gonna make a higher price when you have the phone repaired. You can just go to some small shops around the streets and get it done! It would be much cheaper!" My intelligent mother said. I did so.

The shop I found said I just have to pay $250 for everything and could get it back on Saturday. Well, it seemed good and I made the deal.

But the deal just proved a cliche from Midnight in Paris. "Cheap is Cheap." On Friday, I got a phone call from that small company. They told me that the repairing needed a higher charge, which was $480. They allowed me to choose if I still need to fix it by them. Of course, my answer was of course a NO.

Today, I got the unrepaired phone and found it was further broken by the company. Before I gave it to them, it was still intact grossly and I could close the case. When I got the phone, the phone appeared to be more irregular and the case was only to be closed with a powerful grip. I forced the company to make it look better at least, so I could get it to HTC for the fix, an official fix.

But what then? Does the repairing mean to be good?

You see, what happened today would be written in History.

People (who called themselves 99 percent, aka the majority) in many cities were having demonstrations against the greedy Trillionaires. They called it the Occupy Wall Street event. They asked for the reform to bring the rich down. 

They knew that the capitalism system was having problem: when the economy was in prosper, the rich earn a much larger portion of money than the 99 percent, while the economy was in the down side, the rich earn more money from the 99 percent. So no matter how Mr. Sze made his extremely conservative comment (http://hk-property.blogspot.com/2011/10/c_07.html), It was still defective, right?

However, as The Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps suggests, no matter how we decapitate the capitalists (or the vamps, if you like), there will be just another bunch of capitalists moving up and get all the benefits from our world. Don't you agree with me? The greed inside our soul will drive us to do that. In Universities, we train students to support the system. People will still love to have quick capital gains in the stock markets. The world would not change if the system is still this system.

But what will be the system we need to have? We may not like capitalism now, and we hate communism. Where to go?
Why don't we go to Bhutan to have a look? While most of the countries in this world take money as the most important thing to fight for and use Gross National Product as the index, this very small country took happiness, and the former king of this country create a Gross National Happiness as the index.

Whether GNH was really a good index for happiness, I am not really sure. But at least, the marriage of the handsome King appear to be a good marriage. People were so beautifully dressed. They could forget their jobs for a few days to have fun. Despite that they were really "underdeveloped", for example, they just have had Television for ten few years, still, they can sing and they can dance. They said, happiness is not only from the material, but (largely) from the spirit.

Now I used the old Nokia phone from my father. I lost all the apps. I could not watch News and Youtube using this phone. Making SMS would be more difficult since I am not familiar with the physical buttons. And I could not take photographs. But then? My father gave me a phone, which is a genuine phone that was without any additional use. And still I could talk to people I want to talk. Who cares if I can finally have a healthy Nexus One back? Happiness is not only from the material, but from the spirit. The Kings of the Bhutan were the tutors of the world.

13 Oct 2011


Have you heard a news recently, that a man from California who made two thousands bottled-letters and threw them all into the Pacific Ocean to make friends?

It was a news, and it was surprising: after all, in this 21st century, we still used the most fundamental ways to communicate. While it was still lovely of the man to practise this old method. We should praise our nature, the power of which never let us down.

He said he got more than two thousands bottles back. Apart from the people from the other side of the Ocean just as Japan. What astonished him the most was that he got a response from Spain at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Also, he got a letter from a old man from Canada who had a terminal illness. However, the date of the letter was 10 years before, and the old man probably died. What a loss it was. It was the destiny that brought them to know each other. However, the time was the funniest playwright: he loved the jokes of separating people apart.

Today we have the satellite above us and the wifi all around us. Most importantly, we have the Facebook before us. You may wonder, through these systems, if we can deliver our messages to the people we want them to get? I always wonder, if it is a better way than the bottled-letter?

I shall try to do it. If it is not proved a better way, I shall prove it. If it is not better, then I shall go back to the square one: making bottled-letters. The one somewhere in this very city can receive it. I shall also make paper planes. Like the bird which carried the messages in the past, it shall fly into your home and open itself. On the paper it shall write:

You 're Beautiful
You 're Beautiful
You 're Beautiful
It's true.

11 Oct 2011


What is a surprise? It is something you never expect to happen.

But it does. Today was the first day we three medical students attached to PMH gynaecology team. We were arranged to visit the operation theater in the morning. The feeling of it was as great as the first time I went to OT, though this time there were no really surgical cases at all.

There were 2 rooms for the gynaecology cases which need surgery, so we shuffled the rooms to see if there were something special that catched our eyes. We found it, it was the an Anesthetist to make us stay.

He was a retired veteran who came to OT as a part time worker. In fact I did hear this legend from my friend KW. "When I was there, I stayed in the Gynae OT learing anesthesia! There was a really good doctor who would love to talk to you. It was great when you were a bit bored watching the screen showing the procedure." So as he told me yesterday.

"You know what, now public hospitals are lacking of anesthetists, so I come back to help." The old gun said. He asked where we come from. Knowing the answer, he exclaimed. "You must know Sydney Chung! I worked with him when he was a MO." Oh, he used to work with my hero. It is wonderful.

Why he wanted to be an anesthetist? It was perhaps not really related to the ROAD of happiness (or QoL in a post-modern terminology). "Some people would love staying in out-patient clinics and help patients. Yes they can help a lot, only in quantity wise. How long would they take for a patient? Perhaps 5 minutes. And then they were forced to prescribed some meds for them and send them out."

"But as an anesthetist, you need to take care of the patient who would not respond to you. It could last for so many hours. Monitoring the vital signs of the patient is easy, but rescuing the patient when the signs go wrong in few minutes were very challenging. The responsibility is heavy but it is something that make me feel like I am a doctor."

As we talked the bell rang outside. What is going on? Oh. It was something went wrong in one other OT. "Luckily there was not a fire. But in case there was a fire, you students need to help us to take the patient away!" He said. "And we can never leave the patient behind especially she was now under anesthesia. It was the moral conduct (醫德) that we must have."

I heard this term from my hero when I was in my pre-clinical year too. They really used to work together.

8 Oct 2011


Tomorrow Hong Kong Post will host an event called "One Person, One Letter". It is to promote making letter and mailing--not e-mailing, please bear with me.

It is indeed an interesting idea that we should all go and join. Writing, not messaging can reveal the character of one. The passages and the handwriting counts. In this day and age, however, we are all too used to making texts on the touch screen and forget how to write something that really come from our heart. Don't you agree with me? We type texts only nowadays. Writing, especially writing a letter, has been an ancient activity.

However, despite that we are still able to hold a pen and write on a blank page, we may not be able to express it properly. Instead of writing to express our emotion, we are all accustomed to putting smileys in our messages nowadays. It is funny but it is also naive, if you put a smiley in a write paper using a black pen. Everything in the letter will be destroyed with a smile.

In this world, I don't have so many things to say. But to her, I have something to tell. Of a thousands houses long, I can write a letter to her. The blank sheet perhaps is not able to contain my heart and soul. But let it be. Let it be! She will see it and she can know everything from me.

Sigh! What I don't have is her address.

4 Oct 2011

Decision II

When you come to a decision to remove one organ, you probably lose it forever.

God is good and wonderful to make some of our organs in pair: the kidneys, the testes and the lungs, for example. If not making it a pair, he makes it a big one (like the liver) or a long one (like the gut). Therefore, surgery will be a success that at least part of the function, after the removal, of the system would be preserved and the patient would be healed.

But what if you want to remove the whole organ which is unique in your body, say, your uterus? Is it good?

Yes you are definitely cured, in a sense that you don't want any menstruation so you won't need to buy pads, you won't be troubled by the embarrassing bleed that makes you dizzy, you are stress-free from the urinary incontinence syndrome. Most importantly, if you consider pregnancy but an infection, you are forever immune because no fertilization or implantation would be take place inside your body.

"What if you change your mind when you meet a guy who loves you and want to have a family with you?" The doctor would ask. The doctor never wants to remove this precious organ of human beings

"Then he has to accept that I don't have it. Go and find someone else." So she replied.

What she didn't want is not just the uterus. May be, our greatest prophet Charles Darwin would be right again that this woman shall not have next generation. May be.

3 Oct 2011

Decision I

In modern medicine, we respect the autonomy of the patients if they are conscious. That means, unless the patient is psychotic or disorientated or behaving abnormally or having significant brain damage that was unable to make decision, they should make the decision.

It is based on medical ethics, really. I am not a specialist of ethics and dare not to speak too much. So in short, if there is an indication, we have the expertise and resources and the patient can decide, something can be done.

It is good in a sense that we change our role from a father to a health partner to the client (which is a more politically-correct term). Don't make any change unless I agree. I am the owner of myself and I can decide.

However, life is not so simple. Everyday our medicine change, do they know really know their favored treatment and the doctor-proposed treatment? Do they really have deep thought on the consequences of the treatment?

Sometimes, especially in surgery, when you have opted for something, it is not reversible.

2 Oct 2011


Foreseeing I will not have enough time to study, I decided to flip though some pages of the Bible of O&G.

Speaking of which, I just saw an interesting case.

"A 33-year-old lady was diagnosed brain death at 8 weeks gestation, and she was put on ventilation through 34 weeks, EFW 1.8kg. Now she has unable blood pressure, however, her husband refused Caesarian section. Which of the following is correct?"

It was just something that would perhaps only appeared in movies or soap dramas: The mother lying on a bed in a cold room was intubated. Near her, a beeping ECG machine with a green line signaling the electrocardiac response and a crying husband holding her hand. It was 34 weeks that the new life could leave the uterus which was dying and enter his life.

And when the doctor asked the husband to operate on her wife, he refused strictly. Nothing is going to change. Even there is a baby inside the uterus of her.

What is the solution?

Here I gave you 5 options:

1)It is illegal to operate on her without her consent
2)Husband is the decision maker
3)Parents have the right
4)Doctor has the right
5)Court has the right

P.S. Of course, when the wife is living and can make decision, she is the one to choose.