31 Aug 2014


On the side of my bag, there used to be some candies for instant surprise.

I just recalled that you had been very enjoyed with the sweet.

Now the sweets were gone, so were you.

30 Aug 2014


If bright color should represent emotions and black and white represents a dark mood, then Hong Kong local newspaper will need to have black and white only on their headline to reflect the condition of our dying city.

Tomorrow the central government will conclude the mode of the universal suffrage in 2017. This plan will be sent to the legislative council and let the legCos to give the green light. The pan-Democratic says no now, but probably some of them will say yes when the Communist party gives them benefits. This is so predictable for Hong Kong citizen.

This is not actually a problem whether we should take this allegedly universal suffrage as a small piece of gift or not. There is no choice for us in the council: The DAB and co. will ban all the possible choices that are against the interests of the Chinese government. In their mind, Democracy is against the interest of them. Why would they, given the guns and tanks in their hands, will give up their interest for the sake of this higher goal of Hong Kong citizens? They dominate the mass media and almost everything. We are just slave being controlled.

It is easy to understand the proposing cabinet will only give its ticket to but one candidate (who will be CY leung, of course) in 2017 provided the current mode of election. Well, there is no one who can stand firm and claim CY Leung is the only favourable candidate for Hong Kong, right?

Anyway, let's see how the story goes.

Come up to

Come up to meet you
Tell you I am sorry
You don't know how lovely you are

I have to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets
Ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start

Running in circles
Coming in tales
Heads on the science apart

21 Aug 2014


When I watched the bootlegs of the Med 5 band performance in the Facebook, I realized: we forever miss the beautiful things in our mankind: from the symphonies of the time of Mozart, to the band shows of mine.

13 Aug 2014


A magical idea comes to my mind when we discussed about allogenic corneal graft. It was about a patient who had a perforated cornea and was in need for cornea transplant. There were basically two types of grafts available (or not so available) in Hong Kong eye bank, namely the frozen graft and freshly-prepared graft.

Frozen graft can preserve the eye but not the vision as it was all white and light cannot penetrate. Whearas, the fresh graft which has life-span of around 1-2 weeks, can revive the vision if a successful operation is performed. The patient was due to receive a frozen graft for her damaged eye, but one day just before the operation, the surgeon was called that a fresh graft was just available.

Without hesitation, the surgeon requested that precious one and made it to the patient. Beyond saving the eye, the vision and quality of life was resurrected.

But then we face another problem after the transplant: rejection. That's what my idea comes: can we have a match up between the donor and recipient beforehand so to make sure that the rejection rate can be lowered?

Evidence says yes and no. According to National Eye institute, "A study supported by the National Eye Institute (NEI) suggests that matching the blood type, but not tissue type, of the recipient with that of the cornea donor may improve the success rate of corneal transplants in people at high risk for graft failure. Approximately 20 percent of corneal transplant patients--between 6,000-8,000 a year--reject their donor corneas. The NEI-supported study, called the Collaborative Corneal Transplantation Study, found that high-risk patients may reduce the likelihood of corneal rejection if their blood types match those of the cornea donors."

To some extent, we should be always thankful when a timely graft is available when we need, but it will be fantastic if it is matched in blood type.