31 Oct 2012


Currently there are two things that can't get out of my head.

One is about a new person I met, whom I promised to cook a meal for her. She eventually did not come. I did not reply her because I did not know how to reply her about that matter. In the end, we looked like enemy than we had not know each other.

What a tragedy it is. We'd better forget each other than hate each other when the kingdom comes. Why should we hate, which cause more burden on us than that person. It doesn't make any fruit at all. I had nightmares about this. I was very frustrated.

One is about my previous surgical attachment. I felt that in the past attachment in this hospital my performance was not pleased by the head. Even worse I thought that they did not like me at all. What worries me the most is that they will be in charge of the final exam, and possibly fail me. I am not able to get this out from my head for recent months. Be it anxiety, be it depression, I am not in a good state.

In the end, I know that I have to solve these problems. I have to say sorry for all of them. I am the one who did the wrong thing. More than that, I have to tell myself never-mind of these things. It is not just about "I don't care" about these things. I really care. But when the things did not go the way I wanted them to. I have to accept it and console myself.

Never mind about them. God. I just want to get these things out.

30 Oct 2012





11 Oct 2012


After the attachment of AHNH, there was only one question in my mind.

Why do we fall?

This is a famous quotation from my favorite movie Batman, obviously. Bruce Wayne, as the movie depicted, was fallen for the little gift when he was just a boy. He saw the darkness from the batcave and he was afraid. He was eventually saved by his father, who asked and answered this question by another famous line:

So we can learn to pick ourselves up.

This time I am not sure if I can pick myself up.

2 Oct 2012


According to the candidate from the Republican in US,there were 47% of Americans who were dependent on the government, without bearing any responsibility to their own health. Of course he linked these 47% to the percentage of the presidential candidate of the Democratic which had a similar support rate among the country. He further went on saying that he could not care about them, implying that these people were burdens to the country, and he would not make policies for their sake.

The incident has emerged to the surface for a few days, and more Americans had turned their support to the current President. Well, it is not worthy of mentioning. It is reasonable not to pick up a person who just wanted to lead half of his country. With this fatal mistake, the race is for the democratic to lose.

The rich from the Republicans should see that they need more compassion to the poor. After all, the money in your pockets are not entirely, if any, coming from your hardworking. The harsh work is done by the poor, who received a minimal wage from the CEOs sitting in Manhattan. If they see themselves as the privileged, they should also see themselves as the philanthropic by giving helping hands, instead of making division to their great country. Should they see the failure of the tycoon in Hong Kong that faced up with so many challenges by the poor and the powerless, they would perhaps change their minds.

However, it should be emphasized that, from the feeling deep inside, the 47% is to assist and not to feed. They should be really encouraged to pick up their role in health care. There should be a system that enable to them to take their parts, instead of really being dependent on the government. The Presidential candidate should see how difficult it would be when most of the citizens relied on the government, creating a gigantic burden.

Oh, how come I see the problems of Hong Kong even though I should discuss a American problem.